Monday, December 28, 2009

Start Your Game Improvement Program

By Scott Szymoniak
Director of Player Development for Canongate Golf Clubs

Most players wait for the spring to start working on their games for the upcoming season. They spend a couple of months taking lessons and practicing hard. Before they know it, they’re playing great but it’s October! Wouldn’t it be great to be at the top of your game in March and April? The time to start working on your golf game is now!

Fall and winter are the best times to work on your game. It’s not so hot, and you’re probably not playing as much as you were in the summer. Here are a few things you can do that will improve your swing without even hitting a ball:

  • Stretching – The most import piece of equipment you use in golf is your body. A good stretching program will improve your range-of-motion which will allow you to get the club in good swing positions. Not only does this help your ball-striking but also your quality of life! A body with minimal physical restrictions is a body with minimal aches and pains!
  • Cardiovascular Performance – A good, brisk walk or light jog on a regular basis will lead to less fatigue at the end of your round. The goal is to be mentally and physically as sharp on 16, 17 and 18 as you were on 1, 2 and 3.
  • Check your Grips! – Worn grips on your clubs will force you to increase grip pressure, which in turn will produce tension in your hands, arms and all the way up to your shoulders. Have your grips replaced before the season starts!

Just these few activities will lead to better golf earlier in the spring with less time to get to your peak-performance level. You should always consult your physician before you start any type of physical fitness routine.