Monday, January 4, 2010

Have Your Lie Angles Checked This Winter!

By Scott Szymoniak
Director of Player Development for Canongate Golf

Did you know that playing with an incorrect lie angle on your irons can drive shots anywhere from ten to thirty yards off line? Generally speaking, a one-degree mistake will equal a shot that flies eight to ten yards off-line. If you keep hitting the same shot, eventually your body will start to compensate for the fact that you’re not hitting your target. This is how golf swings start to become inefficient. The more compensations you make in your swing, the less reliable it becomes.

Be sure to drop by a Canongate Golf Shop and have your loft and lies checked. We charge $3 per club and it usually takes about 25 minutes to do a set. And by all means, if you’re considering new clubs, be sure to get fit. It just may save you a few shots this upcoming season!