Assistant Golf Professional
Chapel Hills Golf Clubs
The question most students ask me is, “How do I hit my driver straighter and farther?”
Well, my response is always very similiar. There are a few key ingredients to hitting a long, straight drive. See below for instructions in straightening and lengthing your drive!
1. Ball position - You should play your driver on the inside of your left foot (right foot for left-handed golfers). This will help you hit the ball on the up-swing.
2. Getting set at the top of the swing - Your back should be turned to the target, and your hips should be rotated 45°.
3. Follow Through - Be sure to clear all of your weight to the left side of your body to have a high finish.
4. Tempo - Most golfers naturally swing faster when a driver is in their hands. Tempo is one of the most important aspects of hitting your drive long and straight. Even if you do all of the other aspects correctly, if your tempo is off, you will not execute the shot effectively.
Hopefully these tips help you the next time you are practicing your drives at the Range. If you need additional help straightening out your drive, feel free to contact one of your local golf professionals!
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